Sunday, September 7, 2008

TypARTgraphy...Annie BTN font

I ran across another idea to express my creativity... it's called TypARTgraphy... I found it at by Chris Dunmire...

"TypARTgraphy (type•art•graphy) is a word I made up to describe a creative art form I've discovered during my studies of typography. It involves using only the characters (letters, numbers, symbols) in a family of fonts to create an artistic composition or picture. The picture above is an example of a TypARTgraphy composition I did for a class project. The assignment was to create a face out of type — mine has three: a father, mother, and child. All three are composed only of characters from the Gradl font."

So... this is what I came up with using the Annie BTN font. Enjoy! It was really fun to do!

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