Monday, September 8, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008

TypeARTgraphy... Edwardian Script

This could be a real problem... it's very addicting! :)

TypeARTgraphy... Cooper Black

Oh my, I have found a new way to waste time... Cooper Black Cat! :) This is too fun!

TypARTgraphy...Annie BTN font

I ran across another idea to express my creativity... it's called TypARTgraphy... I found it at by Chris Dunmire...

"TypARTgraphy (type•art•graphy) is a word I made up to describe a creative art form I've discovered during my studies of typography. It involves using only the characters (letters, numbers, symbols) in a family of fonts to create an artistic composition or picture. The picture above is an example of a TypARTgraphy composition I did for a class project. The assignment was to create a face out of type — mine has three: a father, mother, and child. All three are composed only of characters from the Gradl font."

So... this is what I came up with using the Annie BTN font. Enjoy! It was really fun to do!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Prompt: Make a list of five ways you've changed in the last five years.

Five Ways I have changed in the last five years...

Wow, this is a good one. I can barely remember the last five years! It's a blur! Let's see, five years ago, was 2003... Arianne in her first year of high school and Sheridyn in her first year of middle school...

Getting Arianne through high school has changed me quite a bit. I am sure I have changed a lot as a mother, in letting her grow, and letting her go... It was easier than I thought it would be in that I feared all the things that I worried about would keep me from letting her grow up...

Admittedly, I have always been protective, I hope not over protective, but I think I eased up quite nicely and allowed her to mature into a beautiful young lady who has a lot of confidence in herself and a bright future. And Sheridyn is right behind her, growing each day, maturing. They are both fine young ladies that make me very proud.

Another way I have changed in the last five years is that I have really molded myself into my job as a trainer. I just love it. I love helping people, I love sharing what I know and I love being around so many neat people. It may sound a bit arrogant, but I don't mean it to be, but I know I am very good at what I do... I get so many comments from students at how I put them at ease, that I have a great personality and that they learned so much from me. So improved teaching skills is definite a change and a good one at that.

Another great change you'd notice in me would be how much I have traveled around the USA! With my Harley job, I have amazed myself at how much I have done this, how comfortable I am going through airports, being in strange places and very independent when out of the road. I think that's been a huge growth opportunity for me, exploring the country. And the job has been challenging but the whole experience has been great.

A not so good change over the last five years is my health. My weight being the biggest enemy. I weigh more than I ever dreamed I would and I take blood pressure medicine, anti-depressants, cholesterol medicine. I am ridiculously out of shape. It's just wrong. If I'd get off my ass and take care of myself, I am sure I could be medicine free eventually. If only... I don't know what it will take to get motivated. I hope I don't run out of chances...

The fifth way I have changed in the last five years is that unfortunately with all of the high costs of living, having teenagers in high school and college and intermittent work has taken it's toll on our finances. We are in bad shape there too. That has brought on much stress which doesn't help change #4, my health. But all things can be remedied and that's what we are determined to do...

A lot can happen in five years, it was easier to think of five things than I realized. Let's see how things look five years from now... hopefully things will just keep getting better!


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Picture Prompt: Write the Story


Look at me. Way back here. No one notices me and no one can hear me. Why won't they listen? Can't someone turn around and notice ME? Me! Yes! I am here.

It's always been that way. Here I am, being myself trying to be a part of the "in" crowd. I say things. No one comments. They just continue with their chatty banter as if I am not there. The dance lessons, the piano lessons, shopping at the mall and the boys, oh the boys.

I can't add anything to the conversation. I don't take dance lessons, piano lessons and rarely take trips to the mall and boys? We just don't do those things that the normal kids do. The kids with money, the rich kids, the other kids.

It's not like they don't like me. I think they do, but they just don't know what to say to me when I tell them that we don't own a television, or that our car is broken down and we walk to the grocery store... they just can't relate. It's not their fault.

But will it always be this way? Will I always be invisible? Will I ever be able to fit in? Yes, I will. I am determined to listen and learn all I can about this other life. The life of someone who isn't poor. I am just poor, I am not dumb. I have things to say. Listen to me!

It is hard being on the outside looking in. It is hard being way back here, unnoticed. It is hard being... "What?!?! - You're not listening?" I give up.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Prompt: Define Goodness

What is goodness? Goodness gracious! Oh goodness! My goodness!

Goodness can be so many things. It can be the kindness in the soul of a stranger who holds a door open for you. It can be the pure innocence of a child who "tells it like it is" pointing out the obvious thing that an adult would never dare to utter outloud. It is the warmth of a strong hug from a friend or a loved one. It is the unselfishness of a spouse that never hesitates to offer the last piece of candy...

Goodness surrounds me. I see it in my children when they stop me from being critical about someone. I see it in my husband when he goes out to start my car in the dead of winter. I see it in my friends who support me unconditionally. It's easy to see it in the people you love.

But why can't I see it in EVERONE? We all must possess some type of goodness, right? How often I look at people and judge. So often I never take the time to seek out their goodness. Instead I start painting a negative image on a dark, dark canvas.

They say you should love and love unconditionally. You should love the unloveable. It's so easy to stay in your own little world of goodness and close it off with a neat little wall of self-righteousness. It's time to tear down the walls and start looking for the goodness on the other side.

Imagination Prompt

Just so you know what this blog is all about... I finally found a writing prompt generator! I have wanted to start blogging about nothing in particular but never know what to write about so now I am going to take the prompts and run with them!

I am sure the content will most likely be random but at least it will get my creative juices flowing!