Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Another Oldie But Quite Possibly a Goodie?

Disclaimer: This is a cheat post. I originally posted this as a note on facebook in 2009 for one of those facebook fads, where you let people (like it or not) learn interesting tidbits about yourself. Thought this would be a addition to this blog… at least you will know a little more about me! I had a lot of fun writing this too. So here goes… 

25 Random Things About Me…

1. I moved alot growing up. I have lived in 19 residences, 17 before the age of 23. I have been in the same house for 16 years… when I moved here, I said, I will not move from this house until my girls are out of high school…

2. I have no living grandparents. My dad was a late in life baby and born in 1929. My grandfather was born in 1870 and my grandmother in 1888. Yeah, you do the math.

3. I was involved in Hot Air Ballooning for 12 years and at one time wanted to be a pilot. I have gone on 33 flights, my favorite over the Pro Football Hall of Fame game the year the “new” Browns came back. The Navy Fighter jets flew past over the stadium while we were in the air and it was really cool (and a bit scary seeing them head your way while up there in the air!)

4. I hate nick names. Growing up my family called my Shelly all the time. In grade school I was “Michele” but one time when we moved over the summer, everyone got to know me as “Shelly” because that’s what the family called me… After living there a couple years and we moved (again) I insisted I be called by my real name - even my family had to start calling me that (if they wanted a Shelly, why didn’t they just call me that?). I still have friends that have a hard time not calling me Shelly from that short time. Of course I have been called many other things as well.

5. I am a bit silly and have secretly wanted to be a clown or a stand up comedian… (but sitting appeals to me more now)…argh argh.

6. I used to be very very self conscious about how I say my “S” ‘s I had to work with a speech counselor all through grade school to learn to “talk right”… I was mortified anytime I heard my voice. How ironic that now I get up and talk in front of people for a living???

7. One of the greatest things about moving so much is I have many friends from many places and I am really good at staying in touch with people… once my friend, always my friend… (I know that disturbs some of you…). It amazes my family how many people I still connect with.

8. When I travel or go to the store, I make a point of being nice to the people who are taking my ticket, ringing up my order etc… I always thank THEM and tell THEMto have a good day… When you work with the public you run into so many grumpy people, I just think hearing something nice once in a while might make their day… I believe a little kindness goes a long way.

dnp9. When I was a kid, I used to think we’d be in trouble every time we went past a “Do Not Pass” sign. :)

10. I love the computer and yeah, I am on it way too much. It’s a very creative outlet for me. People think I am a “geek” but I think the computer allows you to express your creativity. When Sheridyn was in kindergarten she drew a picture of me… it was the back of my head at the computer with the AOL triangle on the screen. Yeah… really. (Hey, she’s 16 now… and we fight over the computer…)

11. I believe my greatest accomplishment has been raising two very good girls with Walt. Our girls have confidence, self esteem and GOALS! My relationship with both of them is remarkable and they make me very proud. I am sure we have made mistakes along the way but hey, we aren’t perfect. We just do our best (and pray alot)!

12. It takes a lot for me to “file a complaint” but when I do… watch out. I will do whatever it takes to resolve a situation if I think there’s an injustice but it has to be a big one. I think it’s a waste of time and energy to get upset about little inconveniences… life’s too short.

13. I like to read and have read some what I call “life changing” books. A couple I recommend them all the time… The Four Agreements (Daniel Migel Ruiz) The Alladdan Factor (Jack Canfield) and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (Dale Carnegie) are probably at the top of the list.

14. I have been bowling in leagues since I was ten years old. Yes, you’d think I’d be good at it by now, but that’s not the case. I am the world’s most inconsistent bowler, I can bowl a 200+ game and follow it up with a 97… so no PBA tour for me.

15. On a whim I took a job as a software trainer for Gateway in 2000… I had NEVER ever taught a class about anything and was not fond of public speaking. I am so grateful I took the risk because teaching has become my passion and niche. I love to help people. And it’s very rewarding… a co-worker and I have often joked about how we measure our success at week’s end by the number of hugs we get before we leave.

16. I love to write (can you tell???) I currently have five different blogs I write in.

17. I took a shot at entreprenuership for a few years and failed miserably. But learned a lot… I learned that to run a business, you have to wear a lot of hats… and apparently, I don’t look good in hats…

18. I have a great marriage and sometimes feel bad when I hear others complain about their spouses. Sure Wallt has those little things that bug me… I am positive I do things that make him crazy but he still loves me… it’s all give and take… The secret to our marriage is a lotta laughs, and a lot of communication…

19. I have a ridiculous collection of inspirational quotations that inspire me. They are in a big shoe box and I am itching to “do something” with them some day but am not sure what that is…

20. I would love to write and illustrate a children’s book someday when I find (make) the time.

21. I never traveled much before the Harley job and have been extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to see the USA, places I’d never even heard of… it’s given much more meaning to the phrase, America the Beautiful… Now I’d like see more of the world… travel to Ireland, go to Italy on an art history tour, see Paris… you know…

22. I have the best dog in the world, Dillon. He’s a collie-shepard-lab mix and he’s so loved that people bring their kids to our house just to play with Dillon. He gets more visitors than we do. Seriously.

23. I am not a morning person and stay up way too late (usually on the computer) and then regret it in the morning. I can hit a snooze button every nine minutes for two hours if I can get away with it.

24. I like to throw things out or give things away that we don’t use anymore, I absolutely HATE having things around the house that don’t get used (unlike Walt who keeps everything - see #18). My girls always complain that their entire childhood was donated to Amvets.

25. Way back in the 90’s I watched a video on Lou Holtz (former Notre Dame coach) and his list of “100 things to do before I die” he made one and accomplished 99 of them (I forget what one he didn’t do. It inspired me to make a list for myself. I have, and I have only come up with 76… It’s not as easy as you think! But I am sure you have an appreciation for it as you think of your 25 random things about YOU! This was fun! 

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