Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Last Cheat Post, I Promise

Trying to get all of my blogs rounded up into one. The Chele's Rambles title seems to be the most fitting. So allow me to bring over one more from facebook and I promise from now on, the blogging will only happen here. I promise.

From a post on December 25, 2013

Today I made an amazing discovery about Walt's family. Not even sure how I stumbled upon this but found that you can look up yearbooks online. I never knew Walt's father, he passed away the summer before I met Walt. I don't know much about him, except that his later years in his life were troubled. I decided to see if I could at least find his senior picture. It was a challenge. All I knew was the approximate year he graduated and that he lived in Bath, Maine at the time.

I was amazed at what I found out. Not only did I find his senior pictures. Morse High School, Class of 1942, Bath, Maine- I also found a window into the type of person he was before his illness set in. Some of the items I found even Walt didn't know about his dad.

Two things really stood out and stunned me. One, he was very involved in acting! In fact, he was voted best actor! Walt had no idea he was a fan of the stage! And the irony? I always wondered where the girls got their acting bug! How amazing is that?

The other thing was the girl who was named best actress was named Ruth Cogan, which coincidentally, was the name of the music scholarship Sheridyn won. What a bizarre coincidence! Not the same person, but how odd!

Walt knew his dad was athletic, and played basketball and golf. But the other things surprised him as well. Voted best actor, most versatile, dynamic and talkative! I would have never known! It was a nice way to take a peek into the life of someone who lives on through his family and I felt a little bit closer to this person I have never met.

Gotta love the internet. It's full of gems!

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