But I do dream of things that might add to my happiness, but I don't really look at them as THE answer, because really, I am happy now...But for what it's worth, there are a few things I'd like to see come to be....
- My girls finishing college and finding satisfying careers.
- The girls marrying men that will treat them well, take care of them, support and be there for them like Walt has been for me.
- Losing all this unhealthy weight would definitely add to my happiness...
- Being more active and feeling better would make me smile more!
- Paying off debt won't make me "happy" but certainly will feel wonderful!
- Moving to a new home (although I will really miss this one). I long for the "perfect" home and right now, I can't really even say where that might be... but I am ready for change.
- Continued growth in my career, again, happy now, but always wanting to grow.
- Here's one that I look forward to... being a grandparent (yes, I can wait)!